The alarming security upheavals, such as
kidnapping, armed robbery, bombing/attacks,
agitations and ethnic violence, currently
rampaging in Nigeria has posed a pertinent
questions to the country’s ethnographic
More dastardly, in a horrific and disturbing
round of violence, which raged till the new
year day. And still raging in Benue state, no
fewer than 80 people had been killed by the
supposed herders but terrorist in essence
from fulani clans.
If reports by the chief press secretary to the
governor, Mr Samuel Ortom is anything to go
by, the attackers left a gory figure of
mutilated and decomposing bodies, littering
burnt, as well as vandalised communities in
Guma and Logo ugba Local government
areas of the state.
Honestly, its an hard nut to crack,
reconciling oneself with thoughts that one
will never see again in the flesh, your loved
ones whom you merried with and parted few
hours ago. But this is untainted reality
Nigerians wine and dine with constantly, as
their father, mother, uncle, brother and
closed acquaintances are been killed in
volume at night by fulani herders. Depicting
their disgusting acts on the precarious rights
to practice their profession anywhere in the
They are everywhere in the middle belt, and
even south. Operating ridiculously and
leaving the people in misery, fears,
destruction and emotionally devastated.
To be candid, this herders will not hesitate
to make caricature on any attempt by the
government to ban open grazing. perhaps,
enforce a ranching system for cattle rears.
According to Miyetti Allah, farming system in
Nigeria is too primitive compared to the
current pastoral system, hence, it will be
insensitive of the government to disallow
open grazing. Perhaps, confine its cattles to
a place in the name of ranching or cattle
colony, buttressing that Nigeria’s climatic
conditions is ineffective for such practices.
Considering the security stance,
government’s levity in tackling insecurity is
the greatest factor posing threat on the
peace and unity of this country.
They are hypocritical in bringing perpetrators
and their culprits to justice. Despite Global
Terrorism Index GTI considering fulani
herders raid as the fourth most deadly terror
group in the world after Boko Haram, ISIS
and Al-shabaab. Its very much uncommon of
instances, where a Fulani herdsman is been
compelled into facing the full wrath of the
law over an atrocious act. And regardless of
their notor and humongous tendencies to
inflict pains and anxiety on the harmless
Nigerian any where any time, the anti peace
group is been handled lightly, giving
insinuations that they are special indigenes
who outlaws by dint of niche and
Aside the usual condemnations and
occasional reprimand from different quarters
of governance, government has politicked
the bid to give the vulnerables the right
asylum they truly deserve. And Guess who
the vulnerables of the incessant killings in
Benue state are, they are women, children
and over aged adults, who are either shot or
matched, perhaps beaten to death by the
assailants who constantly invade and
unleash mayhem overnight.
Come to think of it, its appalling that in a
country where possession of unlicensed gun
is a serious crime, some group of people still
plies the high brow areas with gun, yet,
More baffling, the justifications from
different quarters of governance is capable
of sterring anger for vegeance. The
inspector general of police who went about
asking for more time to fish out the culprits
had earlier described Benue killings as
communal clash. And if I may ask, what can
an intelligent officer of his status possibly
offer to remedy the hovering cloud when
obviously he has a different notion of the
matters in question?
Worst still, the president never took out of
his busy schedules to visit the helpless
people in the North Central, perhaps, to
sympatise with them on the horrendous
black Thursday while been evacuated to the
street wailing over the departed souls.
Rather, the poor masses, out of perplexity,
have chosen the alternative of leveraging on
a seemed never-forth coming media
enchantments like; perpetrators of Benue
killings will be punished. “Mr president is
conscious of his duty because he is
accountable for everything that goes wrong,
plus “He deeply sympatise with the bereaved
families and all other direct and indirect
victims of the violence. He is determined to
bring it to a permanent end.
For crying out loud, this is unalarcrity. As a
matter of dispensation, its quite unalloyed of
the government, working synergistically for a
common goal. Perhaps, an alamode of
propellant instigated for a propitiatory
outcomes in 2019.
More shockingly was the statement credited
to the minister of Agriculture and rural
development, chief Audu Ogbe who
attributed the brutal murder of his brothers
to government’s lax attitudes in providing
the needed infrastructures for pastoral
farming. According to him, government has
not done enough to subsidise pastoral
farming to the UK standard.
Well, if he (Audu) failed to understand that
Miyetti Allah and his cohorts are sabotaging
the national food sufficiency, baba should
have been briefed of the acme of naivety
this portrays, especially when his people
desperately need a saviour from the
mayhem they have learned to accept.
Quite disarray, the state governor, Mr Samuel
Ortom repugnantly threw in his fair share of
the shallow rooted notions. And according to
him, perpetrators of Benue killings are well
known. As a governor, Ortom is the chief
security officer of the state, but why has he
not been patriotic enough to point out the
killers and stripe them for wrath of justice
Instead of the needless tour he had chosen
of Aso rock. Or is the governor battling with
pneumonia ailment?
More recently, the minister of defense, also
joined the train. In his interview with punch
newspaper, Mansur Dan Ali noted that the
recent killing in Taraba and Benue state was
as a result of the stoppage of cattle routes
across the country, as well as,
implementation of anti open grazing law in
some states. The Department of state
services (DSS) also identified an Islamic
state in west Africa network ( ISWA),
operating within the north Central and south
-south geopolitical zone as the brain behind
the incessant attacks.
These, among others are the miscreant,
ungodly, unpatriotic, unguided and sarcastic
justifications from propagandist aimed to
pilot self ambition. without an iota of doubt,
the mal-nurtured information has propagated
retardation on the right policy which should
be unanimously formulated in order to
salvage the country from total ruin. It also
posed an aberrations on the attitude of
concession to further co existent among
ethnic groups in Nigeria.
Against the craving needs of the government
to make hay while the sun still shines, to do
a lilliputian of what it seems doing to tackle
Boko Haram in the North east as well as
agitations in the Niger Delta, legions of
draconian information jetting to the table of
Mr president, is capable of landing one into
a dilematic circumstances in comprehending
the right unit of competence to do the
In my widest imaginations, fulani herders’
are becoming unstoppable, as states like
Ondo, Ekiti, Osun, Ogun, Kogi and plateau
state are becoming more vulnerable to the
their carnage activities. Yet, the government
is hypocritical, sycophantic and misguided.
Thus, politicking the entire process of
salvaging the country from the menace that
As usual, it made headlines in virtually all
the national dailies, but gradually and
shenaniganly, the news of man’s inhumanity
to man ransacking every nooks and crannies
of this nation is becoming a dieter. And die-
hardly, the terrorists are re- enforcing. About
a week ago, an arms laden helicopter fully
loaded with arms, suspectedly owned by the
Fulani Jihadist landed in Jibu. A village
located along river Benue, somewhere closed
to Ibi local government area of Taraba state,
with the aftermath whereabouts still
Evidently, there is hardly a day that news
will not make round of fulani’s atrocious
activities in Nigeria. Yet the government is
sluggishly approaching the whole saga.
Perhaps turning a deaf ears to the plight of
the masses.
I wonder how many more blood Miyetti Allah
and its cohorts in high places needed to
shed to succumb to pains and agony, misery
and despairs the masses are subjected to.
And I need just one cogent reason why the
people may not consider self defense soon,
seeing corpses of their beloved ones litter
the street on daily basis. And with the
government which seems to be doing
nothing about it.
Without mincing words, the present
government invested, if not all, most of its
energies in fighting corruption. But as a
matter of reality, corruption has fought back
and waxing stronger and kicking.
What we have had so far was a media
enchantments where arrest is been carried
out before investigations. Without apology I
want to say that non of those indicted of
corruption had been severely punished for
crime committed. As a matter of fact, the
public officials who have looted in the past
have now considered defection to the ruling
party as the umbrella shielding them from
the scorching sun of criminality.
More shockingly, our most anointed saint of
a president signed a bill suggesting special
immunity for both federal and state
lawmakers against litigations into law. To
me, this has compounded the notion
“corruption is waxing stronger and kicking”.
Because the bill is simply and impediment
on the principle of check and balance, as it
immunises corruption and its bystanders
against the force of nemesis.
Every lawmaker indicted of one crime or the
other is free of trial for the next four years.
To this extend It will do justice if anyone
can confidently outline one crucial reason,
as to why those corrupt officials will not
build a very high wall for self defence before
their tenure elapsed.
As a nation, vying to reduce corruption to a
drastic end, special immunity for top
government officials remain a back log on
our struggles. Evidently, in 1999, federal
government sued the late General Sani
Abacha’s family over his loots. Lo and
behold, where, the federal government has
just one lawyer representing them in court,
Abacha’s family hired the services of 12
international lawyer – Big wall for defence.
Unemployment is a no go area, as thousands
of youth flucks the street with worn out file
permanently stucked to their hand.
The cost of living is all time high. Nigerians
are wallowing endlessly in the virtuous cycle
of poverty.
Without much emphasis, the time to
restructure is now. Infact, restructuring is a
sin qua non. Else I forsee civil war imminent.
This is not a prophesy but a critical
perceptions from events and happenings.
Like the say, no nation survives civil war
Restructuring is the way.
– John Paul writes from Lagos.
Nigeria State And
The Doom Day To
Reviewed by Online Admin

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