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Destiny Boy & Starboy Ahmed:- The Dangerous Effects Of Kid Superstars On Nigeria’s Education

In 2017, teenage superstar, Destiny Boy broke
out after dropping a cover to Davido ‘s smash
hit, IF .
The cover went places as people fell in love
with the song due to its fuji twist. What got
us wondering was that Destiny Boy was just
13 years old. This got everyone enthralled.
From there he started rolling with industry
heavyweights like Tuface, Wande Coal and he
also dropped more covers. Destiny Boy isn’t
the first kid superstar.
Last year, we had Emmanuella cracking us
up. Her videos alongside her Uncle, Mark
Angel were always trending on YouTube. She
was also regularly invited to perform at shows
and she even surprised us when she went on
tour to some African countries where she has
tons of fans.
● However, shouldn’t we be concerned for
these kids?
● What about their Education?
● Is Destiny Boy still going to school after he
hit the jackpot?
● Won’t they rebel against their parents and
drop out of school just to pursue their music

Inversely, this would have an adverse effect
on them and the society. Their mates and
friends would also want to follow in their
footsteps by seeking fame, thereby paying
less attention to their education.
Few years ago we had OzzyBosco. His kind of
music was the childish type. Hopping up and
down kind of music. Those type of music
strictly meant for the kids played at birthday
He tried to add some spice when he featured
Olamide and Vector in his songs.
That’s not all though, we still have several kid
stars. What about Ahmed who Wizkid Pledged
to sign after freestyling on stage at his
#WizkidTheConcert .
More and more kids are getting famous. And
there are still more who will join the
bandwagon in 2018. The kids would see the
entertainment industry as an opportunity to
evade the algebraic equation they didn’t
understand at School.
Important Note
The kids would say to their parents:- “ School
is not helping anyone, see Ahmed, our
neighbour’s kid, he’s already making money,
appearing on TV, and then Conclude on “Who
school epp! “
It’s true to some extent though, given
Nigeria’s deteriorating education. But these
kids still need to be educated.
Ahmed for instance would have just finished
Primary 5, he hasn’t even gotten to halfway of
his education.
● Has he learned enough?
● Can he speak and write in English?
Still, Nigerians would support talent over
anything as long as it is making money.
However, it’s important we all make these
kids know the essence of education. Most of
our Superstars made it to university before
dropping out.
Wizkid dropped out at Lead City University
before dropping out. Ycee and Lil Kesh also.
Ahmed would definitely be a superstar on
2018, this would encourage other parents to
influence their kids to also showcase their
Then the entertainment industry would be
littered with kids everywhere. Then several
problems would arise, maybe a kid slapping
his manager over money matters.
Lastly, the Emmanuel Eboue issue is a case
to ponder. How his wife took advantage of his
illiteracy and acquired all his lifetime savings
and assets.
The End!!
What Do You All Have To Say About The Kid
Superstars On Nigeria’s Education?
Drop your comments
This Article was written by Otolorin
Otolorin is a creative and an amazing content
writer. He’s a contributor to Huffington Post,
Naijaloaded, YNaija, Pulse and Omojuwa.
He can be reached via Email ⇒
Destiny Boy & Starboy Ahmed:- The Dangerous Effects Of Kid Superstars On Nigeria’s Education Destiny Boy & Starboy Ahmed:- The
Dangerous Effects Of Kid Superstars On
Nigeria’s Education Reviewed by Online Admin on 15:06 Rating: 5

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